Tarimi Incense Burner Mabkhara and Resin Incense Pack:
1 x Tarimi/Yemeni style incense burner (mabkhara/censer) handmade from teak wood, treated. Height: 15.5cm
2 x premium charcoal rolls (10 discs/roll, quick-lit, 40mm in diameter)
20gr Sacred Omani Green Hojari Frankincense resin – medicinal grade (safe to ingest) (boswellia sacra)
20gr Sacred Yemeni Myrrh (commiphora myrrha)
How to use:
Take a piece of charcoal, then light a corner.
Put charcoal on the mabkhara / incense burner, and wait for approximately 2 minutes (or until all the charcoal is heated thoroughly and evenly).
Then put a piece, or a few pieces of frankincense (and/or myrrh) on top of hot coal.
Sit back and enjoy as the aroma fills the room.
If the aroma is too strong for you, you might want to try putting the resin pieces on a piece of alu foil. So, put the alu foil on top of hot charcoal, then put the resin piece(s) on top.
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